Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Darn You Nostalgia: The Intro to Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers

As treasured as some things may be in our lives, sometimes they just do not age very well. Whether it is loses relevance in the current pop culture or just our opinions on it just change through getting older, revisiting the past can sometimes work counter-productively towards fond memories. This is what happened when I revisited Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers back in my Freshman year of college.

I stumbled upon a link for the pilot episode of Power Rangers on YouTube one day and thought, "Hey, I used to watch this all the time as a kid. It'd be fun to relive those times." So I pressed play and tried to let the good times come back. First there was the cheesy but still kind rather catchy intro to get me in a good mood. Then I started hearing the dialogue. That led me to notice the acting. That led me to notice the gimmicky qualities of the production. That led me to noticing how boring it got halfway through. And so on and so forth. The only time it got really interesting again was when the Megazord formed and even then it kind of dragged. My entire opinion of how I held up Power Rangers changed that day and not for the better.

So while it is sad to have lost my love for a childhood favorite, here is my tribute to those good times with the intro for the first season of the show. Enjoy it in all of its spectacularly 90's glory.

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