Thursday, September 20, 2012

And This Is Our Landing Craft: The Introductory Cutscene for Psychonauts

Sometimes, a good product falls through the cracks. Maybe a movie wasn't marketed well, a song was too independent to be popular, a game was too strange for the public or something involving all of the above. There are many reasons good products do not get the credit they deserve. Psychonauts should not have been one of those products, but thankfully its continually growing cult status has elevated it to being deservedly recognized as one of the best video games of he 2000's.

I remember buying this game when it released and being completely sucked into it. It had brilliant art design, fully fleshed out characters, original storytelling, witty yet appropriate humor, unique gameplay and many memorable moments. It was also one of those rare game where the gameplay and story actually worked hand-in-hand rather than favoring one for the other. Even aside from a few hiccups in the gameplay and design, I could go on and on about the love I have for this game for so many things it does right.

Embedded above is the introductory cutscene of the game, which pretty much will set the tone for whether it is your kind of game or not. Enjoy and let me know what you think of the video, the game or anything in between!

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