This post, I will highlight Rian Johnson's Looper. Set in the near future, we follow Joseph Gordon-Levitt as a hitman who eliminates targets sent back to him by a mob in the future. Things change when one of his targets turns out to be his future self. A lot more happens I do not want to spoil.
Right now, I am championing this film to hopefully get an Original Screenplay nomination at the Oscars. It has so much creativity and genuinely engaging elements in the script that even a few gripes I have are not enough to detract heavily. A very fun time travel movie.
Check out the trailer and a few standout scenes below to get an idea:
Looper Official Trailer (the first and best of the film's trailers IMO)
TK Clip (Introduces Looper's version of Biotics or The Force or whatever you want to call it)
Seth's Death (Practically no blood or gore, but still rather shocking)
Aging Montage (Shows how Bruce Willis comes to be his version of the character for the rest of the film)
The Rainmaker Revealed (A very shocking scene for more than one reason **SOME SPOILERS Only see if you know or don't mind** )